After recently setting up a new personal laptop, I figured I’d collect a guide to the data science toolkit setup for the next time I need to set up a machine. But of course I didn’t actually do so.
Update 5/20/20: Well, that time has come earlier than expected, and I’m now setting up my old work computer as my personal computer (#uberon). I figured this time I might as well make a guide for myself while it’s fresh in my mind.
# install xcode command-line tools, including git
xcode-select --install
Get Homebrew ( installed:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Now lets install some stuff we need:
# tap the cask to start
brew tap homebrew/cask
# xquartz, java, latex
brew cask install xquartz java mactex
# commonly used libraries
brew install libsvg curl libxml2 openssl boost pandoc v8 wget
# install r and python
brew install r python
# databases
brew install postgresql mysql sqlite
# install apache drill - note the hardcoded version number will need to be updated
# optional docker installation - can also install docker via link below
brew install docker docker-machine
# make sure your installations went ok
brew cask doctor
# clean up (uninstall old versions of a formula)
brew cleanup
Setting up Github PAT, https, and ssh keys
# see Jenny Bryan's book for details:
# use SSH if you have 2FA enabled:
# first see if ssh keys already exist
ls -al ~/.ssh/
# if not, generate them
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "USEFUL-COMMENT"
# add your key to ssh-agent
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# create config file and add lines
touch ~/.ssh/config
echo $'Host *
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes\n' > ~/.ssh/config
# add your public key to github - go to
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
# test the connection
ssh -T
Tidyverse & friends
packages <- c("tidyverse", "tidymodels", "tidyquant", "tidytext",
"devtools", "blogdown", "shiny", "htmlwidgets", "DT",
"Rcpp", "DBI", "dbplyr", "drake", "plotly")
Now that blogdown and friends are installed, let’s make sure to get hugo since we use the Beautiful Hugo theme:
- Alfred
- Oh my Zsh - “agnoster” theme
- Docker Desktop
I was guided by and borrowed content from these excellent guides: